
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Darwine 1.0-rc3 for OS X released

Darwine 1.0-rc3 for OS X released
  1. Before You install, please make sure:
    • Tiger users: install X11 from your Tiger Installation DVD
  2. download and open Darwine 1.0-rc3
  3. drag Darwine to the "/Applications" Folder
  4. to delete, just drag the folder "Darwine" to the trash
  5. to completely remove Darwine (and Windows apps) from your system delete the following files and folders:
    • /Applications/Darwine
    • ~/Library/Preferences/

TRiX an OS X winetricks frontend

TRiX is a simple frontend to Dan Kegels winetricks for wine/Darwine. Winetricks is:
Quick and dirty script to download and install various redistributable runtime libraries
So it should help to download and install certain fonts and libraries that are needed by some windows programs to run under wine.
I’d like to point a finger at the font downloads. Loads of applications on windows (an therefore wine) depend on the corefonts. These fonts are not part of wine and can’t be packed together with wine because of different licenses. So if You had apps, showing only symbols and garbage, this is for You .
Wintricks offers to install some other notable libraries and Runtimes like
  • Visual Basic runtiems
  • C++ runtimes
  • xvid, intel and ffdshow codecs for audio and video en/decoding
  • .NET 1.1/2.0 and mono 1.1/1.9
TRiX comes with cabextract and wget binaries, so it should work out of the box. It will download the current version of winetricks and install the selected items.
download TRiX

Putty for Mac
Putty for Mac

1 comment:

Matt Jones said...

The fonts fail to install for me. Just an error in the terminal...anyone else getting anything like this?